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KM spa used  PalmBUS RW technology for the verbals' issue and for the management of inspections on board, with the automatic transmission of the gathered informations by  PalmBUS server.


KM - Cremona

Km spa used  PalmBUS RW technology for the automation of activities developed by inspectors.

Further the standard functionalities of PalmBUS RW, that is the issue of verbals on board, the print and the transmission to the management point for the following management, a personalization ad hoc made possible to do, with the same terminal, the monitoring activities of the shipping that before were made with the only help of paper.

The platform PalmBUS RW allowed to eliminate the use of paper on board, with following mistakes and activities (costs) of transcription and filing of the same informations.

The flexibility of PalmBUS allowed to realise a specific personalization in the application for the mobile terminal and in  server PalmBUS, in which data meet in a homogeneous way. 

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